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Foundry revoit sa politique...?

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1Foundry revoit sa politique...? Empty Foundry revoit sa politique...? Jeu 28 Juin 2012 - 22:00



J'ai reçu cela aujourd'hui, de chez Foundry. Apparemment ça circule déjà sur les forums anglophones.

En bref, il dit que Foundry est en train de reconsidérer pas mal de choses. Il vont réintroduire des séries qui ont été « inexplicablement supprimées », dont la guerre de Trente Ans et la Guerre Civile Anglaise ; et surtout il dit que les tarifs hors Royaume-Uni vont être alignés sur les tarifs britanniques pour que leur prix soit le même où qu'on vive dans le monde (donc, qu'ils devraient cesser de faire payer plus cher le change en € qu'en £).


« A total review of Foundry's pricing policy

Dear Sir/Madam,

While you may not have noticed yet, things are changing at Foundry and we are the middle of a process of restructuring and reorganisation. This will include bringing back some old ranges and reintroducing some old packs that were inexplicably removed from others. This will all take some time but we want to return to being the company we once were. As a symbol of this we have reintroduced the English Civil War and Thirty Years War ranges.

Although some of these things will take some time to put into place, one immediate change we have made is to make sure that those ordering from outside of the UK will pay the same price as everybody else. It was a particularly bad policy that we have rectified as of today, no matter where you live in the world you will not pay more than our domestic customers.

Watch out for further changes in the future.

yours faithfully,

Neil Littlewood »

« Il vaut mieux faire face à ce qui est derrière nous, que tourner le dos à ce qui est devant ! » (capitaine Huchehault)
« Kaoc'h Korr kac'het gant Korred ar Moria ! » ("Crotte de Nain ch... par les Nains de la Moria !")

2Foundry revoit sa politique...? Empty Re: Foundry revoit sa politique...? Ven 6 Juil 2012 - 21:07



Ca continue Smile

Il dit qu'ils viennent de découvrir Rolling Eyes que les tarifs postaux internationaux ont beaucoup baissé depuis quelques années, et qu'ils ont décidé de s'aligner en mettant les frais minimum à £ 5.

Par ailleurs ils vont ressortir leurs vieux paquets d'époque Louis XIV ("Marlburian"), et aussi guerre franco-prussienne de 1870.


Dear all,

It’s been another busy week here at Foundry, with our great reorganisation process well under way.

One immediate issue we’ve been looking at are our postal prices and we were pleased to find that shipping abroad has dropped phenomenally in the last few years. So much so that as of today we can announce that the basic international postage rate has been dropped to £5.00. UK customers also benefit from this price review with p&p rates halved to £4.00. While this is a good start, we’re going to be putting a lot of effort into making it even cheaper in the future.

We can also announce that we have rereleased the massive Malburian and Franco-Prussian War ranges in their entirety, to sit alongside the complete English Civil War and Thirty Years War ranges. This represents literally thousands of models, with the Franco-Prussian range alone numbering 128 packs! It may take a little time to track down some of the more elusive moulds, but we plan on bringing back our entire back catalogue.

If you have any suggestions please feel free to get in touch.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Littlewood, Whirling Plenipotentiary.


« Il vaut mieux faire face à ce qui est derrière nous, que tourner le dos à ce qui est devant ! » (capitaine Huchehault)
« Kaoc'h Korr kac'het gant Korred ar Moria ! » ("Crotte de Nain ch... par les Nains de la Moria !")

3Foundry revoit sa politique...? Empty Re: Foundry revoit sa politique...? Sam 7 Juil 2012 - 13:12

captain Y FRAKASS

captain Y FRAKASS


J'vois bien quelques achats de troupes dans un avenir proche... Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes


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