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1[VENTE 28MM] FRONT RANK 18eS (SSW) Empty [VENTE 28MM] FRONT RANK 18eS (SSW) Mer 31 Mai 2023 - 14:14


Salut à tous !

Aprés le tri de Printemps (Pas terminé d'ailleurs), je vous propose un (gros) lot de figurines Front Rank XVIIIeS (Guerre de Succession d'Espagne)


Guerre de succession d’Espagne

Infanterie Anglaise
https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/WSS_Bri ... --632.html

BS4 Musketeer - Standing Firing = 7
BS5 Musketeer - Loading = 6
BS6 Musketeer - Kneeling Firing = 3
BS7 Musketeer - Kneeling At Ready = 2
BS34 Officer With Spontoon, Pointing = 1
BS38 Officer Sword Raised, Holding Hat = 1

Infanterie WWS (Troupes génériques)
https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/WSS_Inf ... --640.html

SS3(FR) WSS Musketeer, Advancing = 5
SS4(FR) WSS Musketeer, Advancing, Head Turned Shouting = 3
SS9(FR) WSS Musketeer, Priming = 5
SS11(FR) WSS Musketeer, Loading = 4
SS13(FR) WSS Musketeer, Kneeling Firing = 1
SS15(FR) WSS Musketeer, Kneeling At Ready = 3
SS17(FR) WSS Musketeer, Standing Firing = 9
SS41(FR) WSS Officer / Standard Bearer = 1
SS42(FR) WSS Officer / Standard Bearer, Head Turned = 1
SS43(FR) WSS Officer Shouting, Sword Raised = 1
SS44(FR) WSS Officer With Spontoon, Marching = 1
SS45(FR) WSS Officer With Spontoon, Standing Pointing = 1

Artillerie WWS (Troupes génériques)
https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/WSS_Art ... --627.html

SSA4 WSS Artillery Crewman - Gunner Holding Spongestaff = 1
SSA5 WSS Artillery Crewman - Gunner Using Portfire = 1
SSA6 WSS Artillery Crewman - Gunner Carrying Ball = 1
SSA7 WSS Artillery Crewman - Gunner Holding Linstock =1
SSA8 WSS Artillery Crewman - Officer At Ease = 1

Artillerie Française
https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/WSS_Fre ... --636.html

FSA1 Gunner Holding Spongestaff = 1
FSA2 Gunner Using Portfire =1
FSA3 Gunner Carrying Ball = 1
FSA5 Officer With Telescope = 1

Infanterie Française
https://www.grippingbeast.co.uk/WSS_Fre ... --638.html

FS4 Fusilier - Standing Firing = 22
FS5 Fusilier - Loading = 12
FS6 Fusilier - Kneeling Firing = 9
FS7 Fusilier - Kneeling At Ready = 6
FS29 Officer Standing With Spontoon, Pointing = 1
FS30 Officer Standing With Spontoon = 1
FS31 Officer With Spontoon Standing, Holding Hat = 1
FS32 Officer Advancing With Sword = 1

Au total 117 figurines que je vous propose à 85 Euros port compris

A votre disposition Wink



Salut !

Je baisse le prix de ce lot à 65 euros port compris !

Eric de Gleievec

Eric de Gleievec

Tu n'as pas essayé sur FigBazar ? ça marcherait peut-être mieux.

Faire la part des choses prouve que vous êtes sur la bonne voie.
(Yogi Tea)


Il me semble que si, je vais vérifier tiens ...

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